By MRO Essentials

CS0126-Socket - ESD Mat Stacking Snap Adapter - 10mm Socket

Regular price $36.11
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Regular price $36.11
Regular price Sale price $36.11

ESD Mat Stacking snap adapter can be used to add a banana jack receptacle to a 10mm socket or stud, typically on an ESD mat. They can be used to connect a wrist strap, ground cord, or constant monitor.

The ESD Mat Stacking Snap Adapter adds a banana jack receptacle to a 10mm stud, typically on an ESD mat. Easily connect a wrist strap, ground cord, or constant monitor and they are great for grounding mats on carts. The banana jack includes a 10mm female socket that connects to a 10mm stud. The banana jack and is compatible and interchangeable with standard banana jacks.

  • Adds a banana jack receptacle to a 10mm stud, typically on an ESD mat.
  • Easily connect a wrist strap, ground cord, or constant monitor and they are great for grounding mats on carts.
  • Connects to a 10mm male stud snap.
  • The banana jack and is compatible and interchangeable with standard banana jacks.

Product Family

  • CS0126-stud:  Includes a 10mm Stud (connects to a 10mm socket)
  • CS0126-socket: Includes a 10mm Socket (connects to a 10mm stud)
  • CS0126-stud&socket: Includes both 10mm Socket and Stud (connects to a 10mm stud or a 10 socket)

Product Attributes




1.0 lb

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